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Welcome to the Lead Me Home Statistics page. This page will be regularly updated and
augmented, but for now, with our launch, we wish for you to know these basic figures that face our society. It is these figures that caused us to invent Lead Me Home.


Since 1980, the number of missing persons reported per year in America has increased 600%.

Every 40 seconds a child goes missing in the USA, and an average of 2,300 Americans in total go missing each and every day. While the vast majority of these people are soon found and
returned to their families and homes, many are not. And, it often takes far too long to find
them. Lead Me Home, in raising awareness of these cases, will help find more people – and


Yearly, 900,000 adults and children are reported missing in the USA.


Again, while most are soon found, the number of missing persons, kidnappings, runaway teens, youths being trafficked, and homeless veterans is increasing at disturbing rates.

How many? There are 100,000 active missing person cases in the U.S. at any given time.

90% of missing children are likely endangered runaways; 1-in-6 of them are sex trafficking
victims. The old notion of “kids running away from home” is long gone. Now, 9 in 10 children
who run away from home are in danger of being trafficked as sex workers, or forced laborers,
or are forced into some kind of criminal activity. Thus, running away from home is a serious
issue that our society must aggressively address – which is why we invented Lead Me Home.


There are 55,000 military veterans who are homeless in America. They need our help and care. No military veteran should be homeless.

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