Our Values
Lead Me Home Mission Statement
Our Mission is to assist and protect the vulnerable in our society by raising awareness of their condition – we call it Bringing Light – through the use of television, radio, the internet, live events, and social media devices; and through partnering with the professional agents who can best help lead them home.
Lead Me Home Vision Statement
Lead Me Home will become a nationally-recognized institution through its regionally-customized television and radio series, website, cell phone app, and live events that raise awareness about current cases of missing and kidnapped children and adults, runaway youth, and homeless military veterans; through educating parents and the public at large on how to address these issues; and through our partnerships with law enforcement, government and non-government organizations, foundations and educational agencies that can best deal with these issues. In achieving this we will help reduce instances of kidnapping, missing persons, runaways, and military veterans’ homelessness; build closer and more secure communities through shared knowledge and effort; and provide victims and their families with avenues of information and communication that will help lead people home.